Review OF 2005:
March 8: Dean Stockwell appears on the
DVD release of "Columbo -- The
Complete 2nd Season."
April 10, 2005: The Greencine
website features a recent interview with Dean.
April 15, 2005:
"Visions of Guadalupe"
Sixteen local artists, as well as special guest artist,
Robert Dean Stockwell, are featured in an exhibit entitled
"Visions of Guadalupe" at Two Graces Gallery
in the Rancho Plaza April 15. Work by Pablo Flores, Lydia
Garcia, Carrie Lynn Korzak, Mary Walton, Leah Benau, and
Star St. Clair is on display, along with that of invited
guest artists Margie Romero and Conrad Fernandez (on loan
fromthe St. Francis Gift Shop), Maria Martinez, Katie
Woodall, Mercy Mitchell, Alex Chavez, and Michael Vargas.
"Nay," a Las Cruces santera, has created walking
sticks and carvings for the show. From
Taos Daily News, March 15
April 26, 2005: Phenomenon: Lost Archives,
hosted by Dean was released on a 6 DVD set.

April 30, 2005: Dean Stockwell was a
guest at Collectormania
in Buckinghamshire, England. Our Sassie member Emma posted
some pics taken by her sister at the event. Check them
out at
May 3, 2005: Star Trek Enterprise -
Season One was released on DVD

May 10, 2005: Quantum Leap - Season
3 was released on DVD
May 10, 2005: the extended version of
Dune was released on DVD region 1.
2005: Paper Man (1971) & Born to
Be Sold (1981) were released on DVD as a Dean
Stockwell Double Feature by Movie Classics.

May 31, 2005: The TV film "American
Black Beauty", starring Dean Stockwell, was released
on DVD. Check out some pics from Howard
Wexler's website.
Summer 2005: Dean's collages "Mussolini
at Harvest Time"and "Shot
of Life" were featured in the Summer
2005 issue of the Indiana Review, a non-profit literary
magazine dedicated to showcasing the talents of emerging
and established writers and visual artists.
Aug 30 - Oct 1, 2005:
The Craig Krull Gallery in Santa Monica displayed
a new collage by Dean entitled Wet Dream #1.
September 5, 2005: Dean Stockwell presented
the Dragon*Con
Festival's Independent
Short Film Award on Monday, Sept. 5 at l:00
p.m. in Atlanta, Georgia. For more information about Dragon*Con,
go to
See Dean's press release at
Sept. 17 - Nov. 19, 2005: Dean Stockwell's
16 mm filmwork was part of the SEMINA CULTURE; WALLACE
BERMAN & HIS CIRCLE exhibit at the Santa
Monica Museum of Art in California. It then went
to the Nora Eccles
Harrison Museum of Art, Logan, Utah (Utah State University), The Ulrich
Museum of Art, Wichita, Kansas (Wichita State University), The Berkeley
Art Museum, Berkeley, California (from October 17 through Dec. 10,
2006), and the Grey Art Gallery, Greenwich Village, New York.
November 5 & 6, 2005: Dean Stockwell
was a guest at The Glasgow Memorabilia Show in Glasgow,
December 27, 2005: "Nowhere Man"
was released on DVD in the United States.