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Thank You to The Sassies

Who are the Sassies?


A Sassie is a member of the Yahoo Group called the Sassies (SAS =Stockwell Appreciation Society).  Many of the Sassies have been incredibly helpful in donating information about the wonderful actor named Dean Stockwell, and I would like to try and thank them personally: Claire, Marie, Marilyn (Cookie), Joy, Carol, Vern, ML, and Andra. 
And an even bigger thank you, with fireworks, to my co-moderator and very dear Internet friend, Ruthie, who put this entire website together for everyone to enjoy; and to my other co-moderator, Andrea, who has used her considerable talents to keep this website updated
I also need to thank former members of the Sassies, who may have only stayed on our group for a brief period of time, but who nevertheless left input about the actor which I'm sure has become part of the Sassies 'collective consciousness.' 
I would like to close this Thank You letter by mentioning a woman named Geordie James.  Her and I have never met, and she doesn't even know I exist.  But once upon a time she was going to start a Fan Club for Dean Stockwell back in 1974, with his permission.  One of our current Sassie members, Claire, corresponded with Ms. James back then, and amazingly kept her letters.  Claire shared this correspondence with me, as well as many delightful photos and playbills from that time in Dean's life.  Without Claire's input (and Ms. James) this site would not be nearly as blessed.
-Jill Jackson-

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